Lelanea Fulton and Tohopka husky at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles after creating the Rosy Oyster.

Lelañea is a former NYC-based fashion/editorial/advertising photographer with a fine art background and an approach to her style. She attended New York City's International Center of Photography and The School of Visual Arts, focusing on film, large & medium format photography, and digital retouching. Her work, mixed-medium compositions of film and digital, weaved together to encapsulate and evoke a sense of place and being, often with an ethereal and romantic dream-like playfulness.

During her education at ICP, Lelañea worked as a Sommelière in NYC's most prestigious establishments. She now lives in Oregon, photographing the art of the region's domestic wineries, people, and vineyards, still intrigued with conveying a sense of place, now through photography rather than as that of a floor sommelier.

Aside from her work as a Photographer, she also has a decade-long background in Brand Development, Brand Growth, Strategic Conceptualization, and a focus on “Authentic” and “Organic” marketing through Pattern & Mindset Coaching that allows brands to separate from the noise of homogenous commercial marketing tactics that truly allows her clients to attract and align with a base that will support long term growth and a stronger foundation. Lelañea is also a certified coach in a “Whole Person” methodology that advocates and strengthens her clients in their authentic expression, culture cultivation, and alignment in sustainable value systems that inspire and empower the greater collective.

Her clients vary from fashion brands, art & photography publications to wineries and marketing/ad agencies.